l'ane a du rester dehors toute la nuit, sous l'orage
Series: chalet moede anterne
Camera : Konica Hexar RF
Lens : Konica Hexanon 28mm f2.8
Film : Fuji Neopan 400
Tags: montagne, alpes, chalet moëde anterne, moëde, chalet, konica, n&b, neopan 400, refuge, film, anterne, mountains, fuji neopan 400, fuji, noiretblanc, blackandwhite, noir&blanc, neopan, b&w, col d'anterne 200908, black&white, alps, Konica Hexanon 28mm f2.8, hexar rf, konica hexar rf, landscape
To the extent possible under law,
Nicolas Vigier
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
all photos and texts published on boklm.eu website.
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